For your tireless efforts on and off the hill, we thank you ski racing dad.
To all the ski racing dads out there, we recognize how much you do to keep your kids ski racing. We see you early in the morning picking up skis so that your kids have sharp edges and the proper wax for racing that day. We see you in the evening after having spent all day on the hill in the freezing cold, to drop of skis so they can be properly tuned for their next use. We appreciate the time and effort it takes to get your child into the proper gear they need for the season and get them out on the hill each day.

Spending time in a ski shop with a child trying on helmets, goggles and race suits can be a thankless job, especially once the season is in full swing and selection is depleted. You’ve put up with it all – making sure they have the helmet brand and style that meets racing rules and that meets your child’s criteria too (none of their friends have that color…or some other kid who is a really good ski racer has it…or some other reason that no one will ever know), and the race suit that they want not only fits, but fits with a little room to grow (but not too much room, so they will actually wear it this year) and hopefully it will last more than one season. And for the 50 pairs of goggle you have endured them trying on to finally find one that fits their little faces and comes in a color that they will wear – only to lose them from the lift a few weeks later.

Ski racing dad, we know what you go through, and we appreciate you! Happy Father’s Day, ski racing dad!